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Kent Clarke - Online Memorial Website

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Kent Clarke
Born in Rhode Island
32 years
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twin b to the best man January 10, 2012
i wil always remember all the love an support you have giving me i need you know so much more then ever i love u thank you twin a
twin b christmas December 22, 2011
so me and gary r having the best tree contest going to win
twin b missing you December 22, 2011
i miss you .....i love you i hope im making you as happy as you make me love u more...bestest 
Trisha Larose Di lanna Memories December 14, 2011
Almost a year and Nana will be two! The Holidays are not any easier but I hope you two are keeping each other company!
Leigh Hamilton Memories December 14, 2011
Time flies, but it hasn't been fun :( 143 KAC You will always be loved and remembered; it seems crazy that you have been gone almost a year. Our family has lost so many loved ones, so I know you are not alone up there...but having that knowledge still doesn't help the hurt. You were an amazing person all around Kent no matter what role you were in: son, brother, twin, uncle, cousin, nephew, friend. Hands down, the best person I ever came across
Total Memories: 28
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