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Kent Clarke - Online Memorial Website

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Kent Clarke
Born in Rhode Island
32 years
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To Kent Brother, Son, Uncle, Hero, Friend. - One Name so many meanings, To describe you would take pages, I have mere lines Artistic, Funny, Caring, Loving, C- ompassionate, One of a Kind ! Kent, To say I love you, Simply doesn’t cut it. I adore you, I am intrigued by you, I look up to you, I am grateful for you, I love you ! Though these words should be past tense, as you are gone. I keep them present, Because you are are the stories in my mind, The ink in my pen And that will never end !! Love , Kerri

     Kent was a son, brother, twin, uncle, nephew, cousin, friend, and caregiver. Not only was he an amazing individual, he was everyone’s confidant. If you met him once or knew him your whole life you would see what a special individual he truly was. As Kent’s family would say, “he was the glue that held his family together”. On any given day no matter what the circumstance, Kent would be there for you. He had a certain charisma about him and everyone could feel his presence when entering a room. His smile alone was contagious and he was able to make people laugh with his positive and upbeat personality. He was a very giving, kind and compassionate person. Kent dedicated his adult life to individuals with special needs and devoted his life to one particular individual with Quadriplegic Cerebral Palsy for the past 12 years.

Tragically, Kent was in a serious automobile accident that took his life on December 9th 2010. Kent had made a decision on his license to become an organ donor. Our family choose to honor his wishes with organ donation. Two weeks later we learned that Kent had successfully saved two women’s lives by donating his kidneys and liver. Not to mention how many he saved by tissue donation. If you need more info on becoming and organ donor yourself please visit the website :

    On Sunday April 3rd , we held the first Annual Kent Clarke Memorial Fundraiser at the Mishnock Barn in West Greenwich RI. It was a huge success!! Over 550 friends and family came to celebrate Kents life and that was truely a testament to what an amazing individual Kent was. On behalf of the Clarke family please accept our deepest gratitude to all of you that made this a memorable and extrodinary event. The funds raised were used to help our family with funeral costs as well as helping special needs children in our community particiapating in the special olympics. We would like to make this an annual event to support children in our commuinty with special needs as this was Kent's life passion.


Latest Memories
twin b to the best man January 10, 2012
i wil always remember all the love an support you have giving me i need you know so much more then ever i love u thank you twin a
twin b christmas December 22, 2011
so me and gary r having the best tree contest going to win
twin b missing you December 22, 2011
i miss you .....i love you i hope im making you as happy as you make me love u more...bestest 
Trisha Larose Di lanna Memories December 14, 2011
Almost a year and Nana will be two! The Holidays are not any easier but I hope you two are keeping each other company!
Leigh Hamilton Memories December 14, 2011
Time flies, but it hasn't been fun :( 143 KAC You will always be loved and remembered; it seems crazy that you have been gone almost a year. Our family has lost so many loved ones, so I know you are not alone up there...but having that knowledge still doesn't help the hurt. You were an amazing person all around Kent no matter what role you were in: son, brother, twin, uncle, cousin, nephew, friend. Hands down, the best person I ever came across
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